Why does it seem that some people are so easily successful at attracting clients? Whilst others put in a massive amount of hard work and do everything they are supposed to do, they struggle, and it is difficult.


The key is your energy and your unconscious mind.

There are different factors that are going to determine the success of your business and the number of aligned clients you are going to have. These are:

  1. Your energy

  2. Your unconscious beliefs

  3. Your thoughts

  4. Your actions you take

All of these things need to be aligned with your goals so that you can generate the success that you seeking. When you are aligned in this way you can magnetize clients to you with little effort.

When we are out of alignment we can experience:

  1. Burnout and exhaustion from trying to attract clients.

  2. Feeling like you have to chase clients or convince them to come to you

  3. Believing that there is too much competition and people will choose others over you

  4. Feeling uncomfortable asking for payment or increasing your pricing?


Join me for Becoming Magnetically Aligned to Your Ideal Client by Alchemize. This webinar series is about looking at the energetics behind becoming magnetic to clients. You will learn the tools and techniques to attract clients that are truly aligned to you and have success in business.

This 3 part webinar series will transform

  1. Your core beliefs keeping you out of alignment with your ideal clients.

  2. Your ancestor beliefs and traumas.

  3. Your limiting beliefs about business, pricing, and client relationships

  4. Transform the struggle with attracting clients into ease, lightness and put you in alignment

If you change your beliefs, your energy and align yourself, you become irresistible magnetic to clients.

This webinar series will:

  1. Teach you how to to communicate with your business energetically and use Source Energy to clear your business of projections from you and other people.

  2. Grow your confidence and get comfortable charging for your services

  3. Clear out the unconscious beliefs holding you back with your clients in business.

  4. Charge prices that are aligned with you.

  5. Open the energy flows into your business.

  6. Energetically align with your ideal clients and magnetize them to you.

  7. Teach you the energetics of attracting clients with ease.


Join me for Becoming Magnetically Aligned to Your Ideal Client by Alchemize

on May 18th, 22th, 29nd 2023

8-9:30pm London / 3-4:30pm EST





Full price after May 13th


