8:00 PM20:00

A Taste of Gaslight No More

Have you lost trust in your decision-making abilities?

Experienced snarky remarks, only to be told you’ve heard wrong?

Been provoked to react in a way that creates out-of-control emotions, only to be told that you’re crazy?

Do you struggle to identify with what’s real?

You might be experiencing gaslighting, a psychological manipulation tool that people may use to encourage us to question ourselves as they gain influence, power, and control over our lives.

This tactic often sneaks up on us and before we know it, creates doubt and destruction that stops us from living our best lives. It is not only seen in romantic relationships but across family structures and friendships, too.

Gaslighting is one of the most common forms of abuse. Many of us can remember a time where we weren’t feeling like ourselves in a relationship. Maybe we even felt like we were going crazy - and the self-doubt that gaslighting creates can have detrimental effects on our relationships.


Gaslighting is one of the most common forms of abuse. Many of us can remember a time where we weren’t feeling like ourselves in a relationship. Maybe we even felt like we were going crazy - and the self-doubt that gaslighting creates can have detrimental effects on our relationships.


  • Losing touch with your reality

  • Eroded self-esteem

  • Feeling isolated from those you love

  • Feeling flawed, defective or unlovable

  • Feeling powerless

  • Increased anxiety and depression

  • Loss of trust in oneself

  • Fear of opening up in current or future relationships

Join Laura for a FREE energy-clearing webinar - A Taste of Gaslighting No More! To begin to break free from old beliefs, feelings, and traumas that keep you stuck in the perpetual cycle of abuse.

April 1st 8PM London Time | 4pm EST

Here’s what people are saying:

"When I first got to Laura I felt broken and I felt like I was going crazy. My confidence had been torn to shreds and I felt hopeless. Laura helped me to gain clarity on what was happening, with her clearing work she was able to help to restore my belief in myself! I felt like 20 stones of weight was lifted off of me and I was able to get out of an abusive situation easier than I thought. Laura is intune, can see with great clarity, she is empathetic, understanding and has incredible healing abilities. She has truly helped to change my left for the better! Thank you. Do not hesitate in working with her!'

Laura Anderson, London

This is a taster of Laura's upcoming Series - Gaslighting No More, April 11, 15, and 22

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to Dec 31

A Taste of Ending Emotional Eating by Alchemize 

  • Google Calendar ICS

Do you find yourself seeking solace in food during emotional moments?

Are you tired of the cycle of diets, workouts, and detoxes that seem to yield no lasting results?

If you've ever considered that your struggle with weight might be intertwined with emotional burdens, it's time for a positive change!

Join me for a complimentary energy clearing webinar, a sneak peek into my upcoming course series "Ending Emotional Eating".

Saturday, December 30th

10am UK / 5pm Bangkok / 5am EST / 9pm Sydney 

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8:00 PM20:00

Free Energy Clearing: Elevate Your Business Beyond Competition

Competition is one of the biggest things that prevent people from succeeding in their businesses and from creating a thriving client base. Competition may not have even started with you. This could be ancestral, but it is still affecting you, so it needs to be transformed.

When these feelings of competition block you, you:

  1. Find yourself worrying about what your competitors are doing.

  2. Fear that your competitors will take your business.

  3. Hate and fear of competition.

  4. Are highly sensitive and aware of the negative energy associated with your competitors and feel attacked by them.

  5. Find yourself getting caught up in this battle.

Four ways that competition can set you up for failure is that you can:

  1. Get caught up in it

  2. React to it negatively

  3. Fight it

  4. Hate it and hide from it.

When you hate it and hide from it, you may be hiding energetically from your clients. You're trying to protect yourself from the competition, but this may place an invisible cloak over you, which is equivalent to an energetic "Closed For Business" sign.

When you fight it and get caught up in it, you go into battle with worry. This keeps you and your consciousness in survival mode. It is very difficult to have success when you are in this state. In order to succeed and become aligned with your clients, you need to elevate your consciousness beyond the competition

Join me for this free LIVE energy clearing Elevate Your Business Beyond Competition on May 5th 2023, where you will:

  1. Discover the core reasons that you may be competing.

  2. Clear core beliefs associated with this.

  3. Clear core traumas impacting your beliefs.

  4. Learn techniques to attract clients energetically.

  5. Let go of the need to compete with others.

This energy clearing is a taster of our 3-part series: Becoming Magnetically Aligned to Your Ideal Client by Alchemize, starting May 5th, 2023. This webinar series is about looking at the energetics behind becoming magnetic to clients. You will learn the tools and techniques to attract clients that are truly aligned with you and have success in business.

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8:00 PM20:00

Free Energy Clearing Webinar: Freedom from the Ties to Darkness that Limit Your Business

We can have different ties to darkness. Often these ties are unconscious and may have been handed down to us by our ancestors. Perhaps one of our ancestors made an agreement or used dark energies that created a tie and debt to the darkness that has been handed down generation after generation. Thus, the darkness can access your power and energetically manipulate your business or life.

These ties and the negative belief systems associated with them must be cleared for you to move beyond them. This energy clearing will help free you from the things that bind you to the darkness and help you strengthen your energetic boundaries so it can't get back in.

This is a taster of my newest course, Transcend Your Business Beyond the Dark Matrix & Realign with Source. Starting February 28th, I'll help you release the dark matrix that is limiting your business. Click here to learn more.

This taster will help disconnect you from the dark matrix and strengthen your connection with Source. This can:

  1. Improve your relationships with your client

  2. Return you to a pace of peace in business

  3. Bring more flow, ease and lightness into your life and business

  4. Deepen your knowledge of what you need to do to grow your business.

  5. Open up your money flows

  6. Bring clarity and focus to what you want for your business

  7. Free you from negative ties and obligations

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8:00 PM20:00

Disconnect Your Business From the Collective Energy: A Taster of Igniting the Energy of Business

Success depends on our energy and the Universe response to energy.

If you are in energetic alignment, you will succeed. If you are in alignment you are connected to Source and your higher self, and you make choices based on guidance. You use the energy of Source to support you in creating your business. You trust in Source and are not making choices based on fear and limitations.

When you are out of alignment, it can look like:

  1. making choices based on other people's pricing

  2. making choices based on collective consciousness energy you get consumed by

  3. not trusting Source

  4. getting bogged down by other people's energy

  5. stuckness in your business

You are allowing your environment to create your business, and it will not get you the level of success you need. It's not going to get you to where you want to be.

Join me for the energy clearing webinar: Disconnect Your Business From the Collective Energy: A Taster of Igniting the Energy of Business, February 2nd, 2023, where we will be:

  1. Disconnecting from the collective consciousness fears

  2. Calling back your energy into the present so that you can create success

  3. Energetically aligning with your ideal pricing

  4. Raising your frequency to align with success

This energy clearing webinar is a taster of the upcoming 3 day course: Igniting the Energy of Business, where you will learn how to connect with Divine Source Energy so that you can run your business successfully from a space of intuition and divine inspiration. By the end of this course, you'll understand the energetics of business and how to get them to work in your favour. Register here: IGNITING THE ENERGY OF BUSINESS BY ALCHEMIZE™

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7:30 PM19:30

Taste of Igniting the Energy of Your Business

Are you ready to learn the energetics to success in business?

Are you ready to massively upgrade your business by discovering what you really want and aligning your business vision with your true self?

Success in business is dependent on your energy. You cannot create success in your business beyond your energetic vibration and mindset.

The clients that you manifest, the business that you manifest, and the components of your business that you manifest, are all a response to the energy that you are carrying.

To create the success that you desire you need to come into energetic alignment with your business.

Join me for a Taste of Igniting the Energy of Your Business, Monday January 16th, 2023 at 7:30PM London Time / 2:30PM EST, where we will call your energy back into the present so that you can do business in the space of high frequency where you are aligned with your higher self and your vision.

If you'd like to dig deeper join us for the 3 part series: Igniting the Energy of Business by Alchemize™. Learn how to connect with Divine Source Energy so you can run your space successfully from a space of intuition and divine inspiration. By the end of this course, you'll understand the energetics of business and how to get them to work in your favor.

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8:00 PM20:00

Webinar: Putting Glow Back into Christmas

Do you find that Christmas brings up painful feelings or memories?

Do you get consumed by your family's energy and expectations when you visit them?

Do you find yourself going back into old roles and dynamics?

This is common at Christmas. Anytime we are around family, we often fall back into the old roles and dynamics because we have unresolved, unhealed trauma.

Although Christmas should be a happy time, many people experience it as painful, difficult, and challenging.

When we heal ourselves inside, we can free ourselves from the old trauma and old roles, and we can be with family without falling into the old roles and behaviours and responding to their expectations.

Join me on December 9th for a free energy clearing webinar: Putting Glow Back into Christmas and start to heal by clearing out the old painful memories so you can experience Christmas as joyful.

This is a taster of the upcoming course: Alchemize The Holidays: Freedom From Family Expectations, on December 17th and 18th. This course is designed to remove blocks related to family roles and expectations and let you enjoy the freedom and joy of being your unique self. Register here: Alchemize The Holidays: Freedom From Family Expectations

This webinar will:

  1. Free yourself from any limiting family roles or limiting money beliefs

  2. Resolve the need to mirror or mimic your family’s limitations

  3. Let go of family burdens

and so much more.

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8:00 PM20:00

Putting the Joy Back Into Relationships: Healing the Wounds That Rob Your From Joyful Connections

We all bring our past into our relationships, including our past wounds from childhood. if our wounds are not healed they can ooze onto our partner and potentially destroy the relationships. Our relationships trigger our childhood wounds. That can be:

  1. Fear of abandonment

  2. Rejection

  3. Other insecurities

when this happens our wounded child within gets triggered and we act from that space. Some of the signs that this may be happening include:

  1. You expect your partner to know what you want and need without stating it

  2. when the needs aren't met you get angry or throw a tantrum

  3. When you don't get what you want or need you withdraw

  4. When you feel hurt you don't express it but you pull away (this may be to protect you from hurt)

  5. You cling to your partner and need to be with them all of the time (this may be rooted in a fear of being abandoned)

In all of the above you're reverting to old childhood ways of coping. Really what you are trying to do is to get connection and safety with your partner, but in fact you are pushing them away. They may feel overwhelmed, suffocated when you hold on too tight and unloved when you withdraw.

What your wounded child is saying when you hold on is "don't leave me" but they don't interpret it that way.

What you're doing is pushing your partners away. The childhood wounds robs joy in the relationships. We have to heal these wounds so we can feel secure and allows us to connect with our partners on a different level through joy and love.

Often we have unrealistic expectations form our partners. They are also coming from childhood wounds. These need ot be healed.

This energy clearing webinar is based around letting go of those outdated templates about relationships that cause you to connect through pain, suffering and loss so that you can heal your childhood wounds, so you can connect through love, security and safety.

Join us on December 1st 2022 for Putting the Joy Back Into Relationships: Healing the Wounds That Rob Your From Joyful Connections. This is a taster of our upcoming course: Creating Empowered Relationships where we will dive deeper into healing the wounds from childhood.

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8:30 PM20:30

Finally Break Free From Codependency

Are you ready to:
💥Stop focusing on other people and take charge of your life?
💥 Identify and get your needs met?
💥 Recognize the difference between your emotions and other people’s?
💥Separate your feelings from other people?
💥Release feelings of being out of control and know that you can have a sense of safety internally and stability?

If you answered YES to any of those questions join me for Finally Break Free From Codependency to:

  1. Break free and identify the beliefs and limitations that fuel your behavior.

  2. Recognize what you need, what you want, and how to get your needs met with ease and in a healthy way.

  3. Refocus on you being the center of your own life. 

  4. Regain your self-esteem and self-worth

This live energy clearing is a taster of my upcoming 3-part series: Breaking Free From Codependency by Alchemize.

Join me on October 25, 2022, for 💫Finally Break Free From Codependency 💫.

Click the link in my bio to register! (IG)

Click here to register. (FB)

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7:00 PM19:00

Up-level Your Scanning Abilities: A Taste of Intuitive Anatomy.

Many Thetahealers struggle to trust our ability to clearly scan inside the body. They struggle with their trust in their connection with to the creator. The Intuitive anatomy course is designed to clear your blockages so you are able:

  1. To master your psychic abilities

  2. To be able to see and communicate with the body

  3. Clearly scan the body

  4. Be able to identify and heal illness.

We are all born with Intuitive psychic abilities and many of them you may not be aware of. The Intuitive Anatomy course is designed to uncover these abilities, as you let go of the beliefs and the emotions and tap into your innate abilities. It is also designed for you to master your scanning abilities. It is really a self discovery, healing course but also a professional course to help you upgrade your professional business, gain confidence and master your abilities.

It is a personal self healing class where you get to psychically meet the body, hear the body, experience the magic of the human body. It is also designed for you to master your psychic scanning abilities, and by taking this class it will allow you to really let go of the past and step into your true self and see yourself through creators eyes.

Join us on September 30, 2022 for a glimpse of the Intuitive Anatomy Course. In this taster you will experience:

  1. Thetahealing downloads

  2. Demonstrations

  3. Time to practice.

Register before September 28th for the early bird rate of £12.

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7:00 PM19:00

Releasing You From Your Families Karma

Karma can be handed down through our blood line. You can inherit karma and live your families karma. You may even have an unconscious agreement, promise or vow that you made to your family line before coming here to help clean the line.

If you are not aware of this, you can end up living it out and get burdened by it.

You don't transmute it.

So you need to be able to identify any agreements you made and learn to transmute Karma

Your families Karma can manifest in your life as:

🌑You trying to learn their lessons for them

🌑You attempting to be the light barrier and show them the way

🌑You replaying some of their patterns

🌑You taking responsibility for what they have done

I'll be talking more on how to Releasing You From Your Families Karma in my FREE LIVE energy clearing webinar on Thursday, September 15th at 7:00 PM London Time/ 2:00 PM EST.

Join me in my Alchemize™ Your Life Facebook Group for 💫Releasing You From Your Families Karma💫.

Click the link in my bio for more (IG).

Click here for more. (FB)

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7:00 PM19:00

A Taste of: Clear Your Bloodline From Dark Bondages by Alchemize™

We inherit belief systems, karma, curses , darkness, pain, suffering and hexes from our bloodline. Your ancestors may have had curses and spells put on them and it has been handed down to you or they may have put curses on their decedents and sometimes they are not even conscious of it. The heaviness of this creates struggle.

This can cause:

  1. A heaviness or a darkness in your family that absorbs you

  2. Anxiety, fear, or depression

  3. A bond to people that you want to get away from

  4. Trouble in your relationships causing them to never work out or you sabotage them

  5. A struggle to make money, or hold on to it

  6. A dark cloud following you?

Sometimes it is a struggle to heal because your ancestors and/or family members may be resisting the light and healing. They may have even made pacts or allegiances with darkness or dark forces, that they may not even want, but they have traded some of their life force and maybe even yours. The effect is that you are living in bondage, you are energetically stuck.

When we look at our bloodline and we clear our bloodline of this, huge transformation can show up in your life and the lives of your family members.

Join me Monday, September 12th for a FREE energy clearing webinar where you will get a taster of the 3 part webinar series: Clear Your Bloodline From Dark Bondages by Alchemize™, being held September 20th, 29th, & October 4th.

Click the link in my bio to register! (IG) Click here to register. (FB)

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8:00 PM20:00

Narcissistic Abuse Live Webinar: Free Your Money From the Grips of the Narcissist

Do you feel like you have been in a narcissistic relationship and you have had no control over your money?

One of the things that narcissists will use to control you is they will control your money or block your money flows. This might be through blocking access to money by limiting your access or energetically blocking you from money.

Power and control are their main game so they will use whatever they can to do this. In order to break free from the narcissist, you need to look at what do you believe you need them for. Is it money? Love? Is it really true? I would say it's not, this is just your conditioning.

When you break through the conditioning you know that you can actually create your own money. You learn to love yourself and bring in people that will love you for you.

In this live energy clearing, we will focus on releasing release all of the holds that anyone has over you and your money.

This is a taster of Free Yourself From Your Narcissistic Abuse by Alchemize™, being held on August 30th, September 6th, and 13th.

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8:00 PM20:00

Free Webinar: Unhook From the Narcissist in Your Life

Dealing with a narcissist can:

  1. Leave you feeling exhausted

  2. Consume your life force

  3. Deplete you

  4. Cause you to loose yourself

All while the narcissist continues to get in your head and under your skin.

Often you find yourself going in never ending cycles, not knowing how to get out. There is a push-pull dynamic with them where you desire them but you want to get away from them. Maybe you tell yourself you are done but you always find yourself going back.

This energy clearing webinar is designed to unhook you from the narcissist in your life will be identifying and clearing attachments between you and the narcissist. Separating their energy from you so that you can get clear.

Unhook From the Narcissist in Your Life will help you to develop strategies to unhook from the narcissists.

Freeing yourself from the narcissist will:

  1. Increase your energy levels

  2. Improve your self esteem 

  3. Free you from toxic patterns and people

  4. Leave you feeling lighter

  5. Put you back in the center of your life

  6. Improve your relationship and connection to yourself

Join me Tuesday, August 23rd for a FREE energy clearing webinar where you will get a taster of the Free Yourself From Your Narcissistic Abuse by Alchemize™, being held August 30th, September 6th and 13th.

Click the link in my bio for more (IG). Click here for more. (FB)

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9:30 PM21:30

Free LIVE Narcissistic Abuse Course: Freeing Yourself From the Narcissist in Your Life

Often we have attachments to the narcissists in our life and we may want to get them out of our life on an conscious level but unconsciously we struggle to let go.

When we experience narcissistic abuse we learn to abuse ourself in a similar way. We buy into the lies and deception that we are fed about us. This is what damages our self esteem and leaves us feeling like we are worthless and no one else will want us, whether that is romantically or a friendship.

When this abuse is in a parental relationship it is complex because we naturally love our family and are wired to love our parents. There is an internal conflict because you feel love for them and hatred, which can be confusing. Sometimes we deny the hatred because it feels too much or we don't believe that it is okay to have these feelings. This can make it more difficult to let go.

I'll be talking more on Freeing Yourself From the Narcissist in Your Life in my FREE LIVE energy clearing webinar on Thursday, August 18th at 9:30 PM London Time/ 4:30 PM EST.

Join me in my Alchemize™ Your Life Facebook Group for 💫Freeing Yourself From the Narcissist in Your Life💫. Click the link in my bio for more (IG). Click here for more. (FB)

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9:30 PM21:30

FREE You & Creator Live: Freedom from Our Ego

Our ego can get in the way of having a strong connection and clear communication with the Creator.

When our ego is out of balance, we can find ourselves stuck in our ego, and we aren't able to see other people, understand their perspectives, and have empathy for them. This often stems from early childhood trauma and not having our needs met.

When we are stuck in the "I" we cannot access the oneness consciousness—or the energy of the Creator. We need to move out of our ego to be consistently connected to Creator's energy.

When we release our blockages, we can live connected to the Creator, have stronger intuition, and access our psychic abilities through our connection with the Creator.

We need to release our blockages to be able to live more connected to the Creator, to have a stronger intuition, and access to our psychic abilities through our connection with the Creator. This live will help you clear your blockages that come from the ego.

This is a taster of ✨You & Creator,✨ which I'm running July 23 & 24. Click the link in my bio to learn more (Instagram). Click here to learn more (Facebook).

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8:00 PM20:00

FREE You & Creator Live: Clearing Your Blocks to Clear Sight and Knowledge through Creator

When we connect to Creator, our intuition is very clear and strong, but there are many patterns and energies that block us from this connection. One of the biggest blocks is fear.

The Creator's energy is of unconditional love and it is very high vibration. When we are scared of seeing the truth about our reality and facing certain aspects about our past and present situations, we can unconsciously block what Creator is trying to tell or show us.

To have a strong and consistent connection with the Creator, we need to let go of our fear. When we let go of what we are holding onto, our connection strengthens, and our psychic abilities increase massively. 💗

This is the theme of my ✨ FREE You & Creator Live ✨ on July 12 and a taste of what we will cover in the full class. Join me right here at 8pm London/3pm EST.

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7:30 PM19:30

Freedom from the Fear of Entities and Darkness

Do you fear entities?

Do you feel overwhelmed by darkness?

Does your business feel stuck or heavy?

Are you aware of the negative energies and entities that keep your business stuck?

The fear of darkness can impact our businesses because we give what we fear power over us. Darkness or dark energy can come in the form of curses, spells, negative thoughts, or even entities.

Curses may be put on our business intentionally or unintentionally. They could be from competitors or people wishing us to fail. They can come from family members who don't want us to be successful or they can be handed down through our ancestral lines. Sometimes we have ancestral belief systems that create a point of attraction which allows negative energy to impact our business.

Many healers have beliefs or programming that make them feel they have to fight the darkness. This isn't necessarily true. When we tap into Source Energy, we can change things from our divine connection rather than having to fight or fear it.

To no longer be negatively impacted by the fear of darkness, we need to clear it. In this FREE energy clearing webinar, we will delve into the ways darkness, entities, spells, and curses can impact your business. I will also teach you tools to help you elevate your business so it is no longer impacted by dark energy.

This is a taster of my newest course Alchemize™ the Entities and Dark Energies Obstructing Your Business which focuses on the energy of anti-consciousness and releasing you from the ties that hold you to darkness or entities. Click here to learn more and join me on July 20, 27, and August 3.

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7:30 PM19:30

FREE Empowered Relationships Live: Freedom to Heal our Hearts and Let Love In

Do you find yourself in relationships that are hot one minute and cold the next?

Do you fear being hurt or rejected if you get too close to someone else?

Do you attract unhealthy or unstable partners and relationships?

Do you feel you aren't enough?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you might be unconsciously building barriers that don't let real love in. 

We may consciously desire love but often consciously or unconsciously push it away for different reasons. 

  1. Maybe we were heartbroken in the past, and it feels too scary or painful to let in someone new in the present. 

  2. Perhaps we were taught in childhood that love means pain, abandonment, suffering, or betrayal, and the very idea of it makes us tired. 

  3. Maybe we built a wall around our hearts because of the past pain we experienced around love. 

  4. Perhaps we find emotional stability boring. 

To heal the wounds that keep us from opening up to love, we need to let go of our old beliefs and resolve past relationships that caused us pain or suffering. 

In this live energy clearing, we will focus on releasing any fear or trauma around love we are holding in our unconscious so we can open our hearts back up to love. 

This is a taster of Creating Empowered Relationships by Alchemize™, my powerful course that helps you clear and heal trauma and heartache so you can open yourself up to giving and receiving real love. Join me starting July 8.

Click here to register. 

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8:00 PM20:00

FREE Empowered Relationships Webinar: Freedom from Dependence on Toxic Emotions and Love

Do you find yourself constantly drawn into the same exhausting relationships?

Do you find yourself in toxic relationships with intense highs and intense lows?

Do you swear you'll never go back but find yourself in an unescapable and toxic cycle?

Do you find yourself attracted to people who aren't good for you?

We can become addicted to emotions, including fear, stress, and guilt, even though they don't feel good. This occurs when we are brought up in unsafe and unpredictable environments. It becomes so familiar, the body unconsciously believes it needs bursts of these emotions to feel normal and alive even though it creates pain for us.

When we are raised in unhealthy environments, we learn that connection is formed through gossip, chaos, drama, and negativity. So, on some level we feel comfortable and may seek relationships with these qualities in adulthood. Emotional stability may feel boring or unexciting.

In toxic love, when things are good they are really, really good and our brain releases feel-good chemicals like dopamine and oxytocin. We often feel high from how good things are. 

However, when things are bad, they are really bad. Our relationships may be filled with:

  1. Insults or put-downs designed to strip you from your self-esteem

  2. Power struggles

  3. Cycles of adoration and rejection 

  4. Verbal abuse

  5. Physical Abuse

  6. Comments or behaviours to provoke jealousy or insecurity

To escape the cycle of toxic relationships, we need to clear our underlying beliefs that link love and life with pain and abuse. Join me for this energy clearing webinar to release the ideas that keep you trapped in toxic love and replace them with the truth about real love.

This energy clearing webinar is a taster of Creating Empowered Relationships by Alchemize™ running July 8-10, 2022.

Click here to learn more and register.

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7:00 PM19:00

Prosperity Club Live: Freedom from Family Suppression and Suffering

Do you ever hold back on what you share with your family about your success or happiest moments?

Do you feel guilty when you think about having a lot more money than other family members?

Do you bond with family members over shared struggles?

I recently worked with a client who struggled with female suppression both in her life and in her ancestral line. When we dug deeper, we discovered much of this suppression was related than money. I asked her how she would feel if she made a little more money than her family and she thought they'd be happy about it. However, when I asked what would happen if she created 100X more money than them, she said she would feel really bad about that.

We eventually found that she felt victimized by her family, but it was easier to see them as victims rather than accepting what she went through. She was creating suffering in her life so she could suffer with her family, which was an unconscious way to protect her from abuse.

My client is not alone. We often unconsciously limit what we create or attract suffering into our lives in order to fit in with our families and their suffering or limitations. This is an unconscious way to protect us from being hurt, abused, or abandoned. Money is one of the most common areas in which we limit ourselves, especially if we associate prosperity with pain or abuse. Our unconscious mind will block us from creating wealth to protect us.

In this FREE live energy clearing, we will clear out this unconscious programming so you are free to create more money and let go of suffering and pain. This is a taster of July's Prosperity Club: Freedom to Escape Our Family's Money Programming being held on July 7.

Click here to learn more.

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7:30 PM19:30

Freedom from Family Roles

Think about yourself and your family. Do you ever:

  1. Find yourself absorbing and carrying your family’s pain? 

  2. Feel misunderstood by your family members?

  3. Feel like your family doesn’t see you for who you truly are?

  4. Feel exhausted from the responsibility of emotionally and/or financially taking care of your family?

  5. Get blamed or scapegoated by family members?

  6. Feel tired of trying to live up to your family’s expectations of who they think you should be?

  7. Feel like you are drowning in your family's endless cycle of drama?

If you answered yes to any of those questions, chances are you have taken on a role or roles within your family that don't serve you.

Many of us play unconscious roles within our family system that were born out of a need to survive or bring balance and equilibrium to our family. These roles include being the protector, being overly responsible, or being the scapegoat.

Playing these roles can be exhausting, draining, and detrimental to your life. It can stop you from creating the life you truly want.

If you are ready to release those roles and be aligned with your truth, join me for Freedom from Family Roles. In it, we will:

  1. Explore the unconscious roles you play in your family that may be blocking you from creating your best life;

  2. Realign you with the truth so you can move forward free of obligations and responsibilities to your family;

  3. Start to let go of the family roles you play that exhaust your energy; and

  4. Invite more energy and clarity into your life.

This is a taster of Freedom from Family Expectations and Roles by Alchemize™, one of my top-rated courses that I'll be offering on June 25 & 26, 2022.

Click here to learn more.

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8:00 PM20:00

Free Family Course Live: Freedom from Family Curses and Spells

Do you get caught up in your family's never-ending cycle of drama?

  1. Do you feel imprisoned by family expectations?

  2. Do you find it hard to step out of family roles no matter how hard you try?

  3. Do you feel burdened by your family's obligations?

What might be behind this is family curses, spells, or other forms of darkness. Curses and spells can be handed down or put on you by ancestors or family members. They have the ability to bind you to family or negatively impact you in other ways.

If you would like to break free from your family's spells and curses, join me for this live energy clearing in my Alchemize™ Your Life Facebook Group.

This is one of the topics I cover in Freedom from Family Expectations and Roles by Alchemize™ which starts June 25.

Click here to learn more.

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7:00 PM19:00

Freedom from the Prison of Self-Judgment

Do you find yourself constantly judging yourself?

Do you have an internal critic?

Do you tell yourself you are not good enough?

Do you compare yourself to other people?

When we judge ourselves, often the things we tell ourselves were instilled into us a long time ago. Perhaps we had a parent or other adult who repeatedly told us negative things about ourselves. We then absorbed the things they said as untrue core beliefs and we no treat ourselves the way they treated us.

Not only is self-judgment painful, it keeps us small. We often fear other people will see us the way we see ourselves and we make choices based on our fear of being judged.

The fear of being judged then limits what we choose, so we unconsciously block keep ourselves in a prison of our limiting beliefs. When we let go of our self-judgments, we can find our true essence and divine self underneath.

This energy clearing will help you release some of those judgments so you can start to see your true self. I encourage you to then sign up for this month's Inner Child Club to gain true Freedom from Your Cage of Limitations.

Click here to learn more.

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7:00 PM19:00

Freedom from Spells and Curses that Limit Your Business Growth

Spells and curses can be intentional or unintentional. They are sent ritualistically and are sometimes handed down our ancestral line. They usually have some kind of entity attached and can limit our business if our energetic frequency aligns with them. These entities can implant things into us to prevent growth and stop the energy of our business.

If someone is sending negative energy, curses, or spells to us, they often do it unconsciously. It may happen because our light and power brings up their feelings of inadequacy. Their curses, hexes, and negativity are often not personal, but depending on our psychological makeup, energy, past, and energetic boundaries, we can be more or less vulnerable to their negative energy.

Because everything is energy, this negativity can affect our businesses. It can stop the flow of money and clients. It can block our creativity. It can slow down our business growth.

If you are struggling to grow your business, it may be negative energy consciously or unconsciously directed at you by others. Join me in my Alchemize™ Your Life Facebook group for this live energy clearing to clean out the patterns, curses, and energies blocking your business's energy.

This is one of the topics we cover in Igniting the Energy of Business by Alchemize™, running June 17-19.

Click here to learn more.

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7:00 PM19:00

Freedom to Build an Extraordinary Business

Our ancestral programming and collective consciousness energy can keep us small and limit what we create in business. We often absorb the collective consciousness energy from our birth country and energetically take on our ancestors' belief systems, suffering, pain, trauma, and ideas about money, business, different people, and cultures. This can almost create an invisible box around us that doesn't allow our business to grow and often causes us to struggle to understand our full potential. So, for example, we may believe we have to run our business from our birth country when, in reality, if we have an online business, we are not restricted to operating from any one country.

To access all the possibilities for our businesses, we need to let go of our limitations and free ourselves from the invisible chains that hold us back. This live will help you release your limitations to step into the most extraordinary possibilities for your business.

I go into greater detail about freeing you from your limitations in my popular Igniting the Energy of Business by Alchemize™, which I'm running June 17-19, 2022.

Click here to learn more.

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8:00 PM20:00

Free Business Course Webinar: Transcending the Energy of Competition

One of the reasons we can keep our businesses small is that we unconsciously fear competition or compete.

Competition can negatively impact us, and there are many reasons we may get trapped by its energy. First of all, competition is heavy energy, and it does not align with ease. Anytime we go into a space of competing, we can get stuck in this heavy energy that does not allow us to move forward.

Another way we can get trapped is if we are aware and bothered by someone competing with us. Sometimes we take on that person's reality—their thoughts, feelings, energies, and the stories they've told themselves—and our business gets impacted by that and becomes caged in by their limitations.

We may also fight or withdraw if we sense competition. We may fear we are not enough or there is not enough because there is some sense of lack within us.

These things can keep us stuck and stop our business from growing or moving forward. But competing and being affected by competition is not necessary. When we recognize that each person is unique and has their own talents and abilities, including ourselves, competition no longer bothers us or even exists in our lives.

Today's FREE energy clearing webinar is focused on this and Transcending the Energy of Competition. Join me to create ease in your business by freeing yourself from the impacts of competition.

This webinar is a taster of my popular Igniting the Energy of Business by Alchemize™ course running June 17-19.

Click here to learn more and register.

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8:00 PM20:00

FREE Weight Course Live: Freedom to Love and Accept Your Body

Our body has its own intelligence and the ability to morph into our beliefs about it or the projections we absorb from other people about our or their bodies.

Our belief systems and the energy we absorb from other people or that is projected onto us can influence our body shape, health, size, and how it functions. We can pick up ideas about our body based on what we are told about it or the ideas projected onto us from our friends or family and how they feel about their bodies.

In addition, society has been conditioned to believe that a body must be a certain way to be beautiful. If we've adopted some of those ideas, when we don't match up to them, we often feel shame and like we aren't good enough. People around us can also project their feelings about being ugly or not good enough onto our bodies. If we are open to it, we can absorb those energies, and our body can become them.

We may even carry conditioning about how our body changes at certain ages. For example, we may believe that we will start putting on weight after 30, so our body starts to slowly collect pounds once we reach our 30s. We may also start to take on similar characteristics to those around us, like our parents.

All bodies are beautiful, but our perception of our body creates the idea that it is not. We can learn to love and appreciate our bodies when we let go of this perception and our conditioning. Even if we want to release excess weight or put extra weight on, we can love our bodies and free them of any energies, beliefs, or programming that hold us back.

This FREE live energy clearing is about learning to love our bodies and deprogramming us from our body conditioning so our bodies can become what we want them to be.

It is also a key part of Alchemize™ to Achieve Your Ideal Weight, which I'll be offering June 7, 14, & 21. Register now to release anything that keeps you from loving and having the body you want.

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8:00 PM20:00

FREE Weight Course Zoom: Freedom from Compulsive Eating

Food provides our bodies nourishment, but it can also be a way to numb us from intense or uncomfortable emotions. When we find ourselves stuck in patterns of overeating, often there is something much deeper at play.

We often turn to food as a way to disconnect from our bodies, especially if being connected to our bodies is too painful.

We may also turn to food to avoid our own painful feelings. We may stuff down our feelings and turn to food to escape intense emotional pain, which can later show up as physical pain.

We may overeat when we are overwhelmed by intuitive awareness or the intensity of other people's thoughts, feelings, and emotions. Food helps us numb ourselves to the energy or pain of feeling what others are feeling.

Holding onto extra weight may also be a protective mechanism that can be rooted in a fear of physical intimacy or worry our relationships will be damaged if we lose weight.

Usually, our compulsions to eat are unconscious, but until we let go of the density in our bodies from unresolved traumas, beliefs, and energies or other people's projections and energies, it can be really difficult to release extra weight.

This FREE energy clearing will help you identify what is creating density in your body so you can release it and achieve your ideal weight.

Compulsive eating is just one of the many topics I go into depth during Alchemize™ to Achieve Your Ideal Weight. I'm offering this popular class on June 7, 14, & 21.

Click here to learn more.

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9:00 PM21:00

Prosperity Club Live: Freedom from Other People's Financial Reality

Do you find your financial reality mirroring the financial realities of those around you?

Do you believe you need a certain amount of money to fit in?

Do you second-guess the choices you make?

Do you have a hard time knowing what you want to create?

We often mimic other people's financial realities without realizing it. We can copy friends, family, or other people in our social groups.

Usually, there is an unconscious reason we do this. Often it's related to the beliefs, behaviors, feelings, ideas, and energies we adopted or experienced in childhood from our families, country, or culture. If we witnessed our parents struggling financially, we may unconsciously believe it's a struggle to get or keep the money. If our culture has strong beliefs about sharing money amongst family members, we may believe we have to do this in order to fit in.

Many of our families, cultures, and countries have strong beliefs about what we should do with our money and, when we take on these limitations, we often can't create beyond their confines.

To create from our own reality, we need to let go of our patterns of mimicry. When we do this, we can become the energy of creating our own financial reality. That's the focus of this FREE Prosperity Club energy clearing.

It's also the focus of this month's Prosperity Club. Join me on June 2 at 8 pm in London to gain Freedom to Create Your Own Financial Reality.

Click here to learn more.

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