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You are searching for a way to grow into the very best version of yourself. You’re ready to let go of the extra ‘weight’ that you carry (be it physical, mental, spiritual, emotional) and transform it into joy, empowerment and peace.

You don’t have to lead a life of fear, limiting beliefs and trauma anymore. You know that you deserve — and are fully capable of having — better. You are worthy of all of the contentment, love and balance that you are seeking.

Once you release the limiting beliefs, behaviours, the trauma that has been blocking you from growth, you will be in a much better position to manifest your desires and live a life more aligned with your higher purpose. Whatever your ideal reality looks like for you (a financial income boost, finding your soulmate, improving your health, growth for your business), you are worthy of receiving it

The time has come to let go of all that holds you back so that you can open up to the infinite opportunities for transformation and transcendence that await you...


You can choose to experience a healing session with Laura on a one-to-one basis, where your sessions will be tailored to suit your individual needs. Laura has acquired an abundance of therapeutic healing tools and techniques throughout her career, which she applies to her healing practice to facilitate long-lasting healing and growth. 

Some common processes that will be used include intuitive body readings, muscle testing (derived from applied kinesiology) and releasing limiting belief systems that are preventing you from achieving your desired goals. She will work with you to replace them with positive empowering beliefs that support you in manifesting your desires and totally transforming your life.

You will discuss with Laura what you hope to achieve in your session and she will help you to identify limiting patterns, beliefs and energies that are preventing you from achieving your desired result. She will draw on ThetaHealing techniques, Access Consciousness Practices and the transformative methods used in her own modality: Alchemize, to facilitate your transformation, depending on your case and desired outcome.


ONLINE £277 /1hr

| PACKAGE £1147/5hrs

ONLINE £185 /30mins

*Please note that sessions are non-refundable

These prices are for those who pay by bank transfer. If you pay through card there is an additional 4% fee.
