Healing the mother wound
Do you feel betrayed by your mother?
Do/did you lack support and encouragement from her?
Does/ did she guilt trip you or shame you to get what she wants?
Are you riddled with guilt for living your own life?
Are you tired of everything revolving around her?
Does your mother compete with you?
Do you feel like you don’t exist to your mother or that you only exist if you do what she wants?
Are you still seeking her approval, even at a subconscious level?
Do you feel it is wrong for you to be happy if she is not?
Do/did you struggle with feeling like you did or are abandoning her?
Do/did you suppress your own feelings and truth because you fear upsetting her?
If you answered yes to any of the above, you may have a mother wound that needs to be healed!
The mother wound leaves deep emotional and psychological scars in the psyche which instills deep rooted beliefs that leave you feeling abandoned, unlovable, unworthy and unable to fully express and show who you really are.
Our relationship with our mother molds us through our interactions with her. This often starts as early as in the womb! Our sense of self and self-worth is built primarily by the relationship we have with our mother. It sets up a template for our future relationships, with ourselves, partners and impacts how we parent.
The mother wound caused by
A lack of healthy mothering
Having a mother who has a untreated mental condition
Having a traumatized mother who did not have the capacity to mother you
Neglect and abuse
Being smothered
Your mother burdening you emotionally or in some other way
The mother wound is often handed down through generations!
The bond we have with our mother is the strongest and has the biggest impact on us. It influences everything and must be healed. If left unhealed, it manifests in the now as:
People pleasing in your relationships
Feeling stuck in your life, business or career
Holding yourself back and making yourself small
Not feeling good enough
Sacrificing yourself and your needs
Attracting competition
Settling in your relationships
To change this we need to heal the past trauma, and unearth and remove the limiting beliefs. My newest energy clearing webinar series is designed to do just this.
Over the course of this three part series we will:
Identify and heal core events caused by your relationship with your mother
Heal betrayals
Clear toxicity instilled into you from your mother
Heal energy and beliefs you absorbed from your mother while in the womb
Release faulty beliefs that you have about yourself
Release limiting templates instilled into you
Do forgiveness work to enable you to forgive your mother
Release toxic cords between you and your mother
Increase your self confidence