Releasing Self-Hatred's Grip on Your Life
Experiencing any sort of abuse as a child can make you more susceptible to harmful, negative feelings towards yourself
You do it to cope and to protect yourself.
Instead of directing our feelings of anger and hatred towards the abuser, we direct it towards ourselves.
Why? Because it helps us to feel like we still have some sort of power over or control of the situation.
It also protects us if we decide to hate ourselves. We can create stories like “this is my fault” and “I deserve this” rather than see the truth of what is actually happening.
This is especially the case when the person perpetrating the abuse is a significant person in our lives -- a parent, family member, romantic partner, for example. It’s easier to keep blaming ourselves and hating on ourselves than to realise the truth: this really important person in our life is actually NOT a good person (and they’re hurting you).
So we turn all of these negative emotions towards ourselves. Putting ourselves into a loop of self-hatred, self-loathing and deep shame.
Shame makes us feel awful and wrong right at the core of our being -- and it’s a common experience that results from abuse.
If you would like to release the internal patterns of self-hatred, self blame + self loathing -- and STOP berating yourself, then join Laura for a powerful, 90-minute Energy Clearing Webinar where you will identify the patterns, feelings, beliefs associated with these areas and release them on a quantum level.
Releasing hatred
When we experience abuse when we are children, one way of coping is to turn feelings that we have towards our abuser feelings like anger and hatred - in towards ourselves.
It’s a coping mechanism. If we can turn the feelings in it can make us feel like we have a sense of power and control to change things in a situation where we feel powerless and helpless. Instead of placing feelings onto perp, we turn them in. It turns into self-hatred / anger towards ourselves. Keeps us in a loop of self abuse. Harsh self criticisms. Low self esteem.
Self hatred = natures way of trying to protect us from a difficult situation. Safe to turn hatred and anger to ourselves and tell ourselves stroies like we deserve it / we were wrong rather than see the truth of what is actually happening. Particularly when it’s a person close to us / parent / significant person. Easier to blame ourselves and keep them as “good”. Being faced with the truth could cause more pain and hurt.
Experience shame. Shame = common to experience when experience abuse. Associated with us feeling like we are wrong at the core of our being. Shame is an energy that can manifest into pathological self loathing.
If you would like to release the internal patterns of self-hatred, self blame, self loathing, berating oneself, join laura for a powerful 90 minute energy clearing webinar where you will identify the patterns, feelings, beliefs associated with these areas and release them.