Join Laura Mason for a special 2-Day Course exclusively for her fellow intuitives and energy healers where you’ll dissolve the blockages between you and business success

  • Are you struggling to generate income, clients, or attention for your energy-based business?
  • Or maybe you want to start one, but have no idea where to begin?
  • You might be thinking, “Can I really do this? Won’t I just end up failing? Why can’t I just make things work…?”
  • Wouldn’t you like to let your Highest Self take the wheel and lead you to success?

Many intuitives and energy healers can work wonders for the people in their lives, but are blocked when it comes to their own business.

Over my fifteen years of practice as an energetic healer and teacher, I’ve seen too many talented healers stumble as they launched (or failed to launch) their practice.

The thing is, they were often well aware of the things getting in the way:

    📌 They were afraid of being criticized, judged online, or attacked energetically.
    📌 They were overwhelmed by all the little details and tasks of running a business.
    📌 They were undercharging for their services (or flat out giving it away for free) and could never figure out how to promote themselves (who understands social media, anyway?)
    📌 Most frustrating of all - They were convinced that you could just clear your own blockages, but never made progress on these issues…

However, those issues were really only the tip of the iceberg…

When it comes to business, we don’t just have blockages hiding in our blind spots. We build an entire Energetic Prison around ourselves.

This energetic prison is built out of past experiences, limiting beliefs and definitions, and other people's projections…

And their prison walls can be unbreakable, until you have the key…



Be honest—if you could have just cleared yourself of all these nagging problems and been running your own six-figure energetic healing business, wouldn’t you have already done that?

Over the years, I’ve helped countless intuitives and healers get clear of their Energetic Prisons of trauma and limiting beliefs.


🚫 Other people’s projected beliefs, such as that success has to be hard and painful, and antiquated definitions of business
🚫 Energetic barriers built to protect you from failure, usually rooted in the belief that you aren’t good, valuable, or worthy enough.
🚫 The fear of being seen or being judged online
🚫 Fear of being “owned” by your clients, which comes from a toxic need for control, often the product of abuse
🚫 The shackles of commitment which hold you to put the other people in your life ahead of you and your business, even though this is a false choice (i.e. “I can’t have a successful business and be a good wife or mother”)
🚫 Money blocks of all kinds…
🚫 Lack of Self-Confidence and Self-Trust, that looks like a voice in your head saying you don’t know what comes next, when you could be moving into a mindset of solution…

But all of these are just the individual iron bars in your prison walls, because there’s ONE MASSIVE ENERGETIC COMPLEX that’s holding the whole thing together (and trapping you inside).

For most of the world, business is based on logic, the rational mind, and rigid hierarchies where the “boss” tells the “employee” what to do and think—

The complete opposite of the way we work as intuitives and energetic healers.

That means these blockages hide out in your blind spots and can be very difficult to spot.

But the good news is, you’re not alone.

We are going to hand you the key to unlock this prison and rewire you for total business success and fulfillment!



Your Higher Self Wants to Birth a Business through You

All you have to do is allow it

What if… Instead of relying on the stress-inducing beliefs and information of the past, you could engage with Source to let your decisions flow directly from your Highest Self?

What if… You could receive divine direction from your Higher Self with specific instructions for the products, offerings, services, and decisions that will ensure success for your business?

What if… You could cancel, dissolve, and resolve all the blockages and outdated programs standing between your and complete financial and professional success?

Not only are all these possible outcomes in your reality…

The process of Shifting To Them Has Already Begun!



Let Your Highest Self Take Charge of Your Business

It is my pleasure to invite you to this two-day facilitated training course where we’ll use my Alchemize™ System to delete your old business programming and update your operating system with tools and support directly from your Highest Self!

By the end of our course, your unique and thriving spirit-based business will be pouring out of you into the world.

See, the success of your business is dependent on the energy around it. That’s the energy that comes from you as well as the people in your field.

As we clear out your blockages, we’ll rewire your entire field towards success, call in new supportive energies, and use my own unique system to re-engage your spiritual gifts on behalf of your business.

Over the course of two days, our Alchemize™ clearings, meditations, and training sessions will clear and release:

✨Stuck emotions, traumas, and heavy energies holding your business back

✨Unhealthy commitments and relationship patterns that attract toxic or controlling people as your clients

✨Money and wealth blocks

✨ The need to portray a particular image that isn’t you, allowing you to be your authentic self

✨Unhelpful and outdated business ideas that you inherited from work, school, family, or even your ancestral line

✨Self-critical narratives that broke your confidence and belief, including your fear of failure in many aspects of life

✨Projected fear, jealousy, and other heavy energies directed at your business that are not your own (often sent by accident from the people in our lives)

✨Above all, the old foundational structure of your business that is out of sync with your spiritual gifts and Highest Self!

At the same time, you will be opening your channels to receive:

✨Clarity on your Highest Self’s vision and blueprint for your business

✨Clear communication about business details and decisions, like offerings, price points, and marketing decisions, to maximize your business’s success

✨Tools to allow you to channel solutions, ideas, and inspiration on demand

✨Techniques for tapping into the very particles of our reality to enlist them as your allies

✨Actual material, financial, and human support immediately and in volume

Your energy healing business WILL succeed. You just need the Blueprint



Hello friends, my name is Laura Mason, and I’m the creator of the Alchemize™ System. I’ve been an energy healer for over 15 years, and Alchemize™ synthesizes my professional experience in psychotherapy, Theta Healing (Certificate of Science - highest certification), Access Consciousness (CF - highest certification), and more.

I’m thrilled to be launching this new facilitated training course. I remember the fear and nervousness around launching my own energetic healing business all those years ago. My practice has been a success, and with the right tools and preparation, I know yours will be, too.

It is a great honor to support you on your journey to your own thriving, spirit-based business. Thank you.





“It was an honor to share the space with Laura and all the other brave, wonderful souls. Alchemize therapies guided us to step into our higher purpose and power. I gained so many insights into my higher self, and guidance on how to put my dreams into reality. Miracles are appearing for me now. It was truly an honor to witness all the other breakthroughs from the company. It was simply amazing❤️”

Andrea Anthoney

Alchemize Student and Course Participant





October 19TH - 20TH


(Valid for purchase until October 15th)




Or Pay with a Payment Plan - 5 Easy Installments of £157!



Hello again friend, Laura here. I just wanted to leave you with a final word.

If you are reading this, then most likely you’re an intuitive or energetic healer, and you have questions.

Do I have it in me to be a professional healer? Will this course actually work?

The answer to both of those questions is simple: Yes

If you have made it this far, then I have no doubt a successful career is waiting for you on the other side of the work.

If you still have doubts, I invite you to contact me directly at Laurathetahealing@gmail.com

I hope to see you in the course!
