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FREE Empowered Relationships Webinar: Freedom from Dependence on Toxic Emotions and Love

Do you find yourself constantly drawn into the same exhausting relationships?

Do you find yourself in toxic relationships with intense highs and intense lows?

Do you swear you'll never go back but find yourself in an unescapable and toxic cycle?

Do you find yourself attracted to people who aren't good for you?

We can become addicted to emotions, including fear, stress, and guilt, even though they don't feel good. This occurs when we are brought up in unsafe and unpredictable environments. It becomes so familiar, the body unconsciously believes it needs bursts of these emotions to feel normal and alive even though it creates pain for us.

When we are raised in unhealthy environments, we learn that connection is formed through gossip, chaos, drama, and negativity. So, on some level we feel comfortable and may seek relationships with these qualities in adulthood. Emotional stability may feel boring or unexciting.

In toxic love, when things are good they are really, really good and our brain releases feel-good chemicals like dopamine and oxytocin. We often feel high from how good things are. 

However, when things are bad, they are really bad. Our relationships may be filled with:

  1. Insults or put-downs designed to strip you from your self-esteem

  2. Power struggles

  3. Cycles of adoration and rejection 

  4. Verbal abuse

  5. Physical Abuse

  6. Comments or behaviours to provoke jealousy or insecurity

To escape the cycle of toxic relationships, we need to clear our underlying beliefs that link love and life with pain and abuse. Join me for this energy clearing webinar to release the ideas that keep you trapped in toxic love and replace them with the truth about real love.

This energy clearing webinar is a taster of Creating Empowered Relationships by Alchemize™ running July 8-10, 2022.

Click here to learn more and register.