ThetaHealing® World Relations

  • Do you want to expand your business, but you fear traveling to other countries? 

  • Do you want to grow your business, but you resist working with people from different cultures, countries, or nationalities?

  • Do you feel like you've hit the ceiling in terms of your current clients but have a wall up to pursuing clients different from you?

  • Do you want to travel but limit yourself to countries where you won't stand out?


Whether we realize it or not, we all have subconscious, preconceived ideas and beliefs about other people based on their nationality, cultural beliefs, gender, age, faith, class, amount of wealth, etc. So even if we don't mean to, we often subconsciously judge and project ideas onto people based on these details. These ideas can come from our ancestors, society, or past lives.

We live in a world that is globally connected by technology and modern transportation. We can grow our business quickly online, but our unconscious ancestral or societal ideas often block us from growing our business, traveling, and working with people from different countries and cultures. 

When we have negative preconceptions about a person, culture, or gender, it can subconsciously cut off our ability to do business with them or cause us to fear traveling to a new country. The people we are negatively judging may pick up on our energy, and they will be repelled from us. 

Holding onto limiting beliefs and ideas about those who are different from us can subconsciously block our business from growing or limit our world experience.

The ThetaHealing® World Relations Course focuses on specific cultures and beliefs to trigger past and present issues with races, religions, people, and cultures. Once these belief issues come to light, our hidden hatreds and ancestral resentments will be released. 

When we learn to love the world unconditionally, the world will love us back.


This is a course like no other. When I took ThetaHealing® World Relations, I cleared my prejudices and blockages, which resulted in a massive transformation in my life and business. I realized I had conflicting ideas in my own head from my own experience and that of my ancestors, and it was limiting my ability to work in other countries. So when I understood and let go of these ideas, my business grew massively. 

During this five-day healing journey, we will do hands-on Belief Work to find and release negative feelings and programming about other cultures and people. This will help us clear away deep misconceptions, limiting beliefs, prejudices, and traumas that we've absorbed through our ancestors or society. 

When we clear away our blockages, we can become free to: 

  1. To travel freely for work or pleasure.

  2. Develop meaningful relationships, professional and personal, with people from all nationalities, cultures, and religions.

  3. Do business around the globe.

  4. Experience more space in your daily life.

  5. Increase your ability to receive abundance from all people from all cultures.

This course can massively help your business grow. Join me to see what's possible when you release what's hidden deep within you. 


JOIN ME ON March 16 - 20, 2023

1:00-7:00pm London/8:00am-2:00pm EST


Early Bird (until march 9th)



Full price after march 9th




Have you taken this course before?

If you would like to resit this course, you can receive a 50 percent discount. Please email to reserve your space.

* Prerequisites: Basic DNA, Advanced DNA and Dig Deeper OR Basic DNA, Advanced DNA and Intuitive Anatomy.


Here's what Dennis Pascal say about working with me


Dennis Pascal, Germany