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Healing and Thriving Beyond Past Abuse in London & Online

Do you frequently feeling not good enough?  

Are you tired of unstable or codependent relationships? 

Often find yourself surrounded by or caught in conflict? 

Never  having enough in your bank account?

Feel like your living in a foggy  haze?

Feel exhausted from racing thoughts?

These can all be signs of unresolved abuse-related trauma, which can show itself in various psychological, emotional and behavioral difficulties, as well as energetic and physical issues. Even though the abuse you experienced may be over,  the energy, patterns and dysfunction that arose from it are still alive and active and will continue to play out in your life until healed. 

You may not even  think about the abuse anymore but the aftermath is still there and has programmed your subconscious and body and can show up in different ways. You could be caught up in addiction as a survival or coping mechanism. 

Perhaps you have poor physical health and/or feel unhappy in your body. 

Maybe you get easily lost in other people’s emotions with little or no sense of your own boundaries. Or, when it comes to everyday life, you’re often overwhelmed by anxiety or panic and too often fear something bad will happen.

Whatever you are going through, you are not alone 

So many of us experience abuse without realizing it,but there is a quick and lasting solution. 

Behind every conflict is an underlying issue that needs to be transformed, so that you can transcend the trauma and set yourself free. 

The key to freedom lies in the origins of trauma and the subsequent impact it has on our development 

One way the mind copes with abuse is to fragment itself into different  parts. Each part will hold its own set of perceptions,  beliefs, wants and desires and they are often in conflict with each other.  The different parts are usually not aware of each other as  they live in the  unconscious mind.  You may  not be aware of them but they can show  themself in your life as pain in the  body, floods of emotions, feeling like you are living in a foggy haze, conflict in your relationships and as conflictual wants  and  behaviors. An example can be one part of you desperately craves love and a relationship and this comes from the pain this part is carrying from not receiving love whilst the other part is cold and harsh and pushes  people away. This makes it  very difficult to have the relationship your heart desires. None of the parts are wrong, they are seeing and experiencing  life through the lens of the abuse  they went through. At one time, these parts helped you cope with what you went through , however, their conflicting needs most often keep us from functioning and thriving in adulthood. 

If left unhealed, these parts can wreak  havoc in your life, it might be they choose partners  who are unsuitable,  because they are choosing  based on their pain and may not see what is  best for you or they may be blinded to truth which may leave you open to manipulation and people  who do not have good intentions for  you!

These parts need to  be addressed so we can come back to  wholeness otherwise we can’t fully heal! 

So much of this can leave us feeling:

Worthless, useless and exhausted where just getting through everyday life is a struggle. Doubtful and second-guessing ourselves as we question everything in our lives. Desperate for approval and living our lives for everyone else. 

A sense of dread like danger is lurking around every corner. 

Hypervigilant, hyperalert or hypersensitive to everything around us. 

Numb, empty or out of our bodies to the point where we’ve lost touch with who we are. Hopeless and helpless like everything is going wrong and there is no point to life. 

Taking on  other people's points of view without even really knowing why

When we experience abuse, it is common to take on the perspective of the person who is perpetrating the abuse. If they see us as ‘bad’ and ‘wrong’, we often see this as truth. We take on the opinions and projections of others and turn them into who we THINK we are. The outcome? A distorted identity that isn’t ‘us’ - feeling 'defective', 'wrong', 'bad' or 'rotten to the core' in every area of our lives … a heavy burden that we can carry tirelessly, day by day. 

Any of this can manifest as: 

  • Addiction and toxic relationships 

  • Self-sabotage and fear of intimacy 

  • Excessive weight-gain or weight loss 

  • Stress disorders like PTSD, anxiety and depression 

  • Financial problems and issues with money

Abuse can be experienced as emotional, mental, physical or energetic. It can come in the form of verbal criticism, repeated disapproval or even the refusal of acceptance and validation. It can be hidden or visible. No matter how it manifests, we don’t have to carry this in us forever… 

You are not to blame… 

The ‘fault’, so to speak, lies in our programming … we re-enact what is done to us in an attempt to resolve it, especially when we experienced trauma at an early age, where our behaviors became a survival mechanism or automatic response. 

During this 2-day course you will:

  • Explore the links between current experiences and past traumas. 

  • Learn a combination of quantum healing tools that create lasting changes in the mind, body and soul, easily and effortlessly. 

  • Receive two  days if clearing to erase the effects of abuse and help you to return to  wholeness

  • Discover how to use these tools to shift your limiting belief systems, feelings and thoughts as well as clear out cellular-level trauma. 

  • Learn and receive a hands on body healing treatments to remove abuse from your body

All of this can help you to: 

  • Erase the enduring effects of abuse and related trauma symptoms like PTSD, anxiety and depression. 

  • Heal the fragmented parts of you that are wreaking havoc with your life. 

  • Clear the subconscious limiting beliefs that are blocking new possibilities (emotionally, physically, energetically and financially). 

  • Break down the walls of shame and guilt that are thwarting your happiness and success. Leave the past behind and create room for the joy of what’s to come. 

  • Increase your capacity to receive … more love, healthy relationships, money, wealth and abundance. 

  • Learn how to love and trust yourself wholly, so that you become the best version of you; tapping into your own power and living the life you want to lead. 

This is an opportunity for you to connect with others and go through an alchemical process of transformation to bring about dramatic, positive life changes … without the trauma.