Abuse infects every part of you and your life. It is like a poisonous infection, when you have experienced it, it permeates every area of your life and your body. The effects of abuse show up in all areas of your life, your relationships, your health, relationships, finances, and career.
When abuse is unresolved within you, you become a prisoner to the abuse and those who perpetrated it on to you. Even if it is over, it still runs the show, it clouds your mind, dictates your choices, keeps you small, and is wired into your mind and body. You live, choose and act from a place as though it is still happening. It hinders you and limits what you can create in life.
Here are some if the ways it affects you:
You live in a state of fear, anxiety,terror, feel helpless, powerlessness and expect bad things to happen
You live disconnected from your body, allowing others feelings, thoughts, emotions and will to overpower you. Maybe you numb out with food, shopping or substances.
You hide in the shadows, shrink yourself and stay small because on some level this feels safe, maybe your subconscious believes to be seen or stand out is dangerous.
You can never get ahead financially, no matter how hard you work, you just can’t get a break. This can be rooted in a deep sense of feeling undeserving of success, a consequence of abuse
Abuse has many faces, it can be obvious or covert and hidden, it can be physical, emotional and spiritual. All these forms of abuse leave deep lasting scars that need to be healed so you can break free from the prison.
This month’s inner child group energy clearing is centered around freeing you from the cage of abuse, we will:
We will:
Work with Divine Source Energy to resolve past abuse that keeps you caged in
Release painful and toxic patterns wired into your body and mind from the abuse
Boost your self-worth and mental and emotional strength
Conduct an energy clearing to help you release and resolve the past so you can finally move forward