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Increase Your Soul Mate Connection, Even If You Are Not With Your Soul Mate Yet

We all have a soul mate, in fact we have more than one but sometimes we are not compatible and  this can cause all sorts of problems. You may be with your soulmate already  but you need to clear the subconscious baggage so you can get into alignment with the type of relationship you and wand deserve!

Most  people want a healthy loving relationship but in reality that is not what they get!

Here are some of love problems people come to me with:

  • Find themself attracted or pulled to unavailable men or women

  • Feel  like a love sick puppy in their relationships

  • Over give in relationships, this might be time, energy, money or sexually and get breadcrumbs back. 

  • Chase men or women that treat them badly

  • Obsessive thinking, wondering where he is, what he is doing, what he he thinking about

  • Giving into their partners sexual demands and violating their own sexual boundaries

  • Feel like they can’t live without their other half, feel worried, powerless or helpless without them

  • Feel so bad about themselves  and their body, they don’t have the confidence  to date

Can you identify with any of the above? If you answered  yes,  you have unconscious patterns sabotaging your  soul mate connection and I can help with this!  

Sometimes people ask me, why am I attracted to this type of man or woman but they don’t realize that they have a strong attraction to this type of man or woman, that  may be because it is buried in their unconscious mind, they are out of touch with it.

Our  unconscious mind has huge  power and drives our choices and behaviors. To change our Soul  Mate connection we need  to look at our unconscious motivations.

We are often have strong attractions to people, dynamics and things that are not good for us, Here are a few:

  • People who are toxic for us! We may be attracted  to them because it feels like home, maybe you are trying to resolve something with a parent, such as the way you were rejected so you are unconsciously drawn to men who reject you. Your unconscious may be trying to resolve the pattern of  rejection and invalidate the faulty beliefs you developed about yourself based on the original rejection. The unconscious might believe, if I can get them to stop rejecting me, it proves I am not worthless and there is nothing wrong with me, so your unconscious is trying to help you to get FREE. 

  • You find yourself in a cycle of push and pull with your partners, I want you, I don’t  want you. Maybe your partners are mirroring something inside you. There may be conflicting wants and desires in your unconscious mind. A part of you wants the relationship and another part wants to be free, so there's a comfortability on some level in this dynamic

  • You are tired of over giving in relationships, may you are so tired that you have given up or you on some level don’t want a relationship because it feels like being in a relationship means you lose yourself. You find yourself feeling trapped in the same dynamic and wonder why. It  might  be the echoes of childhood abandonment or trauma that keeps you going back. The pain of the abandonment was so bad and left such a strong mark that parts of you will settle for anything, as long as you are not abandoned.

  • You find yourself chasing the wrong person, feel terrible afterwards but yet you still do it, it gives you a  thrill, like a drug. Maybe you became so used to chaos in your childhood that your mind is addicted to it now!

  • You find yourself in abusive relationships, maybe they put you down, make snarky comments but you don’t leave. Unconsciously you may not realize you deserve better!

To  get  into alignment with our soul mate, we need to look at and change our unconscious motivation and limitations, if we don’t we will find ourselves in the same old situation time and time again. This course is designed to do this. 

Over two days, we will:

  • Help you get clear on what you want from a soul mate relationship

  • Identify and release unconscious motivations, patterns, behaviors and traumas that are keeping you out of alignment with your ideal soul mate

  • Energetically upgrade your internal relationships template

  • Increase your capacity  to love yourself and know what you deserve

  • Resolve past betrayals and heartbreak

  • Release the baggage stopping you having the connection you desire

  • Put an end to settling in relationships and get to  know your worth

  • Energetically call in your most compatible soul mate or upgrade your current relationship