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Inner Child Club - How To Access Authentic Self and Increase Self Love

Are you tired of people-pleasing, saying yes (when you really want to say no) and always putting yourself last? Is it time to banish the imposter syndrome, self-sacrificing behaviours and changing to suit others and finally step into your authentic, highest self?

This is your calling to heal your inner child so you can confidently and whole-heartedly live as your perfectly unique true-self. 

Our happiness is connected to our authentic being. If we’re muting parts of ourselves to please others or to ‘fit in’, then it’s going to have unwanted consequences for our joy and satisfaction with life.

Despite this, so many of us live a life being disconnected from our true selves. We deny the expression of our truest desires, traits, wishes and beliefs. 

A lot of this stems from early childhood experiences. Times where we were abandoned, punished, rejected for expressing certain aspects of ourselves.

As adults, we know it’s okay if we’re not “everyone’s cup of tea”.But as a child, we needed our true selves to be fully accepted so we could feel worthy, safe and secure.

When parts of you weren’t accepted and instead you experienced punishment, abuse or withdrawal, you learned that it was dangerous to be your true self. And you disconnected from those parts of yourself in order to survive.

Even as an adult, you carry the imprints of the experience. Your subconscious mind continues to believe it’s not safe to fully express yourself.

You unconsciously deny yourself the same way your inner child was denied to protect yourself from further pain and rejection.

This can lead to things like: 

  • Codependent relationships

  • Inability to express your emotions 

  • Suppressing our emotions, 

  • It can manifest of sickness

  • Dependency on alcohol / drugs 

  • Root cause of addiction

  • Feeling worthless / self-hatred.

The truth is, this doesn’t have to be the way of your life. Happiness in your own body, skin and mind is easily attainable — and it can bring a lot of joy and ease into your life

Join me for a powerful, group energy clearing webinar on July 27th 8pm London time/ 3pm EST.

We’re going to:

  • Identify the limiting patterns, beliefs and energetic blocks that keep you stuck in a cycle of denying your true self

  • Release the patterns so you can accept and express your true self and know that it is safe

  • Send love to you and your inner child and show you how living authentically can improve your business, relationships and overall life experiences.