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Prosperity Club: Creating Beyond Your Mother's Financial Reality

Financial reality is about your reality with money - your situation, habits, patterns, and the experiences you have with money. 

Many people unconsciously take on, are attuned to, and mimic their mother's financial reality.

This means you may have absorbed her money limitations - the stories, limiting beliefs, feelings, and thoughts about money.


You are attuned to her money limitations in the now, similar to the way we tune into a certain channel on the radio, except you are tuning into the frequency of her fear, worry, lack, limiting beliefs and habits around money and you may not even know, but does impact you!

You might be:

  • Tuned into her money limitations, own it as your own and make daily choices based on this, which holds you back and stops you from bringing in more money.

  • Stuck in her money issues, leaving you feeling paralyzed in fear around money and maybe you don't really have anything to worry about.

  • May have been instilled with obligation around taking care of your her financially, which may cause you to unconsciously reject money.

  • May be entangled with her trauma or you may have experienced trauma together, leaving you hypersensitive to her suffering and feeling bad for having more.

  • Do you feel guilty for having things easier than your mother?

  • Do you feel it is wrong to have more money, wealth, and ease than your mother?

  • Is your money situation and habits similar to your mother's?

  • Feel like it is your responsibility to provide for your mother?

  • Do you feel pressured to give your mother money?

If you answered yes to any of the above, you may be stuck in or are being negatively impacted by your mother's financial reality!

If you are ready to let this go and would like to create the type of financial reality, you would like to have, independent of your mother, join me for Creating Beyond Your Mother's Financial Reality energy-clearing session to:

  • Free you from your mother's money stories, habits, limiting beliefs, and behaviors.

  • Release the shame and guilt of having more than your mother.

  • Get clear on what you would like to create in your own financial reality.

  • Release the ways in which your mother's financial reality is limiting you.

  • Learn tools to create beyond your mothers financial reality.