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Prosperity Club: Strengthening Your Energetic Boundaries To Increase Prosperity

Strengthening Boundaries, Increasing Prosperity

  • Do you find  yourself saying yes when  you want to say no?

  • Give in to people's demands?

  • Dismiss your own wants and needs?

  • Feel like your purpose is based around others?

  • Feel like it is your  job to make others happy?

  • Feel suffocated by other peoples energy?

If you answered yes to any of the above, you may have poor  boundaries. It is important to develop healthy boundaries as they affect everything including the amount of  success, prosperity and money we manifest into our lives.

We are multidimensional beings, the way we interact and what we choose in our lives affects us energetically and spiritually and the spiritual and energetic influences us on a physical level and impacts our life circumstances.

When we struggle to set boundaries in our  life, it affects what manifests in our life. 

When we have poor boundaries,  are unable to say no and give  into people's demands, their energy overpowers ours, we become engulfed in it, it boxes us in and it is a struggle to move beyond it. It acts as a block to our success.

Everything  is energy and if we have poor boundaries, we get negatively  impacted by other peoples feelings, thoughts and emotions. Rage, anger and jealousy are powerful energies  that have the  ability  to destroy, when directed at you and your manifestations, it  has the ability to destroy your manifestations before they come into fruition.

To  change this,  you need to strengthen  your energetic  boundaries. As you  do this,  your energetic defenses will become stronger, leaving you less vulnerable to energetic sabotage.

I have designed an energy clearing webinar to help you with this. It  is designed to:

  • Identify core issues related to poor boundaries

  • Release and resolve root causes to poor boundaries

  • Update your internal template of boundaries

  • Release destructive energies

  • Upgrade your energetic protection

  • Increase money flows