Food provides our bodies nourishment, but it can also be a way to numb us from intense or uncomfortable emotions. When we find ourselves stuck in patterns of overeating, often there is something much deeper at play.
We often turn to food as a way to disconnect from our bodies, especially if being connected to our bodies is too painful.
We may also turn to food to avoid our own painful feelings. We may stuff down our feelings and turn to food to escape intense emotional pain, which can later show up as physical pain.
We may overeat when we are overwhelmed by intuitive awareness or the intensity of other people's thoughts, feelings, and emotions. Food helps us numb ourselves to the energy or pain of feeling what others are feeling.
Holding onto extra weight may also be a protective mechanism that can be rooted in a fear of physical intimacy or worry our relationships will be damaged if we lose weight.
Usually, our compulsions to eat are unconscious, but until we let go of the density in our bodies from unresolved traumas, beliefs, and energies or other people's projections and energies, it can be really difficult to release extra weight.
This FREE energy clearing will help you identify what is creating density in your body so you can release it and achieve your ideal weight.
Compulsive eating is just one of the many topics I go into depth during Alchemize™ to Achieve Your Ideal Weight. I'm offering this popular class on June 7, 14, & 21.