Do you find your financial reality mirroring the financial realities of those around you?
Do you believe you need a certain amount of money to fit in?
Do you second-guess the choices you make?
Do you have a hard time knowing what you want to create?
We often mimic other people's financial realities without realizing it. We can copy friends, family, or other people in our social groups.
Usually, there is an unconscious reason we do this. Often it's related to the beliefs, behaviors, feelings, ideas, and energies we adopted or experienced in childhood from our families, country, or culture. If we witnessed our parents struggling financially, we may unconsciously believe it's a struggle to get or keep the money. If our culture has strong beliefs about sharing money amongst family members, we may believe we have to do this in order to fit in.
Many of our families, cultures, and countries have strong beliefs about what we should do with our money and, when we take on these limitations, we often can't create beyond their confines.
To create from our own reality, we need to let go of our patterns of mimicry. When we do this, we can become the energy of creating our own financial reality. That's the focus of this FREE Prosperity Club energy clearing.
It's also the focus of this month's Prosperity Club. Join me on June 2 at 8 pm in London to gain Freedom to Create Your Own Financial Reality.