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Freedom from Our Chains of Limitations

Many of us struggle with the pressure to play small, stay small, and be inauthentic to ourselves. We often have external forces that diminish us and make us into something not we are not.

We may have been conditioned, possibly through brainwashing, to believe that we need to stay small to be loved, fit in, or even be safe. The things that people say to us, like put-downs, hardwire us to remain small, and we make choices in life based on the energetic chains around us.

The pressure to stay small can come from multiple places: our family, people close to us, our partners, or even society. People who live mediocre lives will often attack or try to bring us down to their level.

Even when we have big plans or ideas, we may doubt ourselves or feel boxed in by belief systems we formed because of pressure, conditioning, or even brainwashing. When people around us try to restrict us, we can feel like we are living in a prison of limitations.

To align with our soul's purpose and be our authentic selves, we need to break the chains that hold us. When we let go of our limitations, we are free to create and play big. Today's energy clearing is based on this.

I'll dive deeper into the beliefs and energies we adopt from people that keep us small during this month's Inner Child Club energy clearing. Freedom to Outgrow those Who Keep You Small starts at 8:00pm London/3:00pm EST on May 19.

Click here to learn more.