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Releasing Trauma & Reclaiming Your Divine Self

When we experience trauma, we often separate from ourselves and cut off from our potential. Our energy gets tied up, which keeps our world small and limited. 

Trauma can also lead us to sever our connection with Divine Source Energy. We may also lose our awareness and intuition and learn to ignore our bodies and our wants and desires. If our trauma was abuse, our default could become meeting the needs and demands of our abuser. 

As adults, we may constantly look outside ourselves for validation. We may feel anxious and unsafe. We may continue to put other people's needs before our own. We often carry around the weight of our trauma like a monkey on our back, and live in the energy of pain and suffering. 

Unless we move beyond our trauma, we cannot be one with ourselves or Source. Sometimes we fear looking at our trauma. We may be scared of overwhelm or the pain being too much. In truth, when we access our trauma, we can free ourselves from it. So, we need to find the courage within ourselves to heal.

When we free ourselves from our trauma's heaviness, our world expands, and doors open up for us. We can access our potential and have more choices. We return to the truth of who we are, which is Source, vitality, creativity, energy, and lightness. 

Join me for this FREE live energy clearing, Releasing Trauma & Reclaiming Your Divine Self, so you can become the conscious creator of your life and reality. 

Then join me from May 13-15 to Heal and Overcome Trauma by Alchemize™️ and experience the freedom that comes with letting go of the pain and abuse you may still be holding onto.