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Freedom from Emotional and Energetic Abuse

Emotional abuse is about gaining power and control over another person. It can come in many forms, including emotional blackmail, threats, isolation, gaslighting, and even energetic abuse. Sometimes it is obvious, but it is often insidious and subtle.

Here are some of the hallmarks of emotional abuse:

  1. Blackmailing-Our abuser uses our feelings or something they know about us, such as a secret, to control our behaviour or persuade us to do things we may not want to do. 

  2. Threats-Our abuser can use our fears, maybe of abandonment, or threaten us with guilt or obligation to manipulate us. 

  3. Isolation-Our abuser may isolate us from support or turn other people away from us by telling lies to undermine our mental state, character, or credibility. 

  4. Put downs-Our abuser criticizes or shames us or makes passive-aggressive digs at us.

  5. Gaslighting-Our abuser tries to make us question what we know or remember to be true, often leaving us feeling like we are crazy. 

  6. Energetic abuse-All forms of abuse have an energetic component to them. We can be energetically interfered with if we have poor boundaries. This can manifest as physical pain, headaches, or implanted energies. Some have described it to me as a hand around the throat. 

When we experience emotional abuse, we often don't realize it is happening, but we feel trapped and powerless. This can wear us down, damage our sense of self, and chip away at our self-esteem. 

Emotional abuse can happen in all types of relationships, including family, friends, and romantic relationships. If we grew up experiencing emotional abuse, it could feel normal to us, and we could have a high tolerance for it. 

Even if our emotional abuse happened years ago, it can stay with us and keep us imprisoned. Today's energy clearing webinar will help you identify and clear out the patterns, beliefs, and traumas associated with your emotional abuse and set you free from it. By the end, you'll feel lighter, happier, and have a sense of freedom from the abuse you experienced.